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Mobile Service

Because You Have Customers Too

Is Downtime for truck service ad repairs impacting the service you provide to your customers?

Today, every resource and every minute counts! With Idealease Mobile Service, you can schedule Preventative Maintenance when your vehicles are not operating - during off-hours or weekends - at your locations. 
Our fully equipped and stocked Mobile Service vehicles and expert service technicians bring the best routine and Preventative Maintenance service in the commercial truck industry to you. Idealease Mobile Service trucks to where and when you need them to keep your vehicles on the road and your customers satisfied with your service. 

Idealease Mobile Service Feature:

Highly-Skilled Service Technicians
Mobile Service units are operated by highly skilled and factory-trained technicians who have the knowledge, equipment, and parts to conduct thorough vehicle inspections, perform Preventative Maintenance, and complete minor repairs found at the time of PM on sight. The Mobile Service technician becomes an extension of your operation - working hand-in-hand with you to maximize vehicle uptime and reduce costs. 

Fully Equipped and Stocked Service Vehicles
Each Mobile Service vehicle includes basic features that make it versatile and capable of supporting a wide variety of maintenance and repairs. 

Environmentally Safe 
IIdealease Mobile Service vehicles are built to be environmentally safe with quick connects and an oil evaluation system that transfers oil directly from the engine to a secured waste oil tank. 

*Mobile service does not eliminate the need for trucks to come to the shop for major repairs, retails requiring equipment and tolls located at the shop, or repairs needed between PMs that do not down the truck for DOT out-of-service violations. 

Mobile Service Benefits: 

- Convenience: Schedule PM service where and when you need it with no need to shuttle drivers
- Service Expertise: Professionally trained Idealease technicians 
- Efficiency: Preventative Maintenance and minor repairs found at the time of PM performed on-site 
- Reduced Costs: save time and money not moving vehicles to and from service locations 
- Productivity - optimize drivers' available hours of service 
- Environmentally safe systems and processes: no-spill oil change system, green oil evacuation 

Every Mobile SErvice vehicle includes: 

- oil, lube, and cooling supplies
- Stocked maintenance parts: belts, filters, wiper blades, and bulbs
- Trailer connection testing for lights and signals 
- Onboard air compressor, welding equipment, and generator 
- Refrigeration tools and parts
- Fully equipped technician toolbox
- Computer to perform on-board diagnostics 
- Exterior lights to illuminate the vehicle at night