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Dedicated Maintenance

Expert Vehicle Maintenance Keeps You Moving

If your fleet uptime meeting your customers' expectations?
Idealease understands that your primary business goal is to serve y our customers. They depend on you to serve them in a timely and reliable manner. An Idealease Dedicated Maintenance Program, tailored to your unique needs, will improve the reliability of your owned equipment. Improved uptime allows you to deliver on your customer promise. 
Priority Service
Idealease Priority Service ensures that your vehicles are serviced in the most timely manner possible. Our dedicated service facilities, bays, and technicians mean there is no waiting in line for service and you will experience VIP treatment at more than 430 Idealease locations throughout North America. 

Preventative Maintenance
Idealease tracks Preventative Maintenance intervals and reminds you and your drivers when vehicles are due for service. PMs are scheduled around your business hours, often during off-hours or on-site to reduce vehicle downtime. This increases vehicle uptime and your value to your customers. 

Predictable Maintenance
In addition to preventative maintenance, Idealease Dedicated Maintenance includes all predictable truck maintenance including tire and brake replacements, daily driver write-ups, and over-the-road breakdowns. We negotiate preferred pricing with our suppliers and we pass that purchasing power to our customers, ensuring the highest quality maintenance at the lowest possible cost. 

Fixed Monthly Cost
All Preventative and Predictable maintenance costs are billed in one consistent monthly payment, simplifying your budget process, and allowing you to focus on revenue-producing opportunities. 

State and Federal Inspection
Complying with state and federal inspections is challenging. To assure compliance and avoid fines and audits, Idealease includes all required state and federal vehicle inspections in your maintenance schedule. 
Benefits of Dedicated Maintenance:
- Improved uptime
- Priority Service 
- Preventative Maintenance
- Predictable Maintenance 
- Consistent Monthly Billing 
- Federal and state inspection
- 24/7 Roadside Assistance 
- Safety and Compliance Training
- Service performed by highly trained technicians using state-of-the-art diagnostics tools 

Optional Service: 
- Fuel Tax Reporting and Fuel Purchasing Programs 
- Telematic Services
- Replacement Rental Vehicles